
Hi guys,

So I haven't posted in a few days (simply because I've had a few bad days with my emotions, voices and alters).

I wanted to tell you about an episode that I had yesterday, I don't remember what occurred but my partner managed to film it for me, so I have watched it back, and it kind of made me want to cry watching it.

Yesterday I started experiencing a flashback (which is common for people with D.I.D) and I actually thought I was in a flashback of my past, so I started crying and acting very irrational. My partner said she found the experience quite upsetting to see me in so much distress.

I'm not sure what the flashback was of, because I can't remember it, but at the minute my memory is pretty weak. I've been struggling to remember what meals I've eaten or what I've had to drink, or even just some of the things I've been doing today.

Memory loss really can be an irritating thing. Some people with D.I.D can co-operate with their alters and get them to note down in a book what they've been up to and what they've been doing, but I am currently unable to do this stage, as I am still in the early stages of learning about my D.I.D.

As a bit of a positive, besides Rob being aggressive in my head quite a lot, my other alters are behaving quite well. Sammy went for a McDonalds yesterday and kindly saved me some. She also drew a picture for my partner the other day of them playing with her favourite toys in the sun. She can be so cute sometimes.

I will be updating soon with more posts with more educational points soon, just at the moment I've been spending my time with my partner as it's nice to be me for a good few hours.

Willow xxx

p.s. I broke my foot the other day :( Got to go to the hospital tomorrow to see about a cast and some crutches (dont worry though, it was a stress fracture and not caused by one of my alters, Im pleased to say).

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